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Basic Usage For Bactopia

Bactopia is a wrapper around many different tools. Each of these tools may (or may not) have there own configurable parameters for you to tweak. In order to facilitate getting started with Bactopia, this section has been limited to discussion of only a few parameters. However, if you are interested in the full list of configurable parameters in Bactopia, please check out the Complete Usage section.


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  bactopia v2.x.x
  Bactopia is a flexible pipeline for complete analysis of bacterial genomes.
Typical pipeline command:

  bactopia --samples samples.txt --datasets datasets/ --species 'Staphylococcus aureus' -profile singularity

Required Parameters
  ### For Procesessing Multiple Samples
  --samples                           [string]  A FOFN with sample names and paths to FASTQ/FASTAs to process

  ### For Processing A Single Sample
  --R1                                [string]  First set of compressed (gzip) paired-end FASTQ reads (requires --R2 and --sample)
  --R2                                [string]  Second set of compressed (gzip) paired-end FASTQ reads (requires --R1 and --sample)
  --SE                                [string]  Compressed (gzip) single-end FASTQ reads  (requires --sample)
  --ont                               [boolean] Treat `--SE` or `--accession` as long reads for analysis. (requires --sample if using --SE)
  --hybrid                            [boolean] Treat `--SE` as long reads for hybrid assembly.  (requires --R1, --R2, --SE and --sample)
  --sample                            [string]  Sample name to use for the input sequences

  ### For Downloading from SRA/ENA or NCBI Assembly
  **Note: Downloaded assemblies will have error free Illumina reads simulated for processing.**
  --accessions                        [string]  A file containing ENA/SRA Experiment accessions or NCBI Assembly accessions to processed
  --accession                         [string]  Sample name to use for the input sequences

  ### For Processing an Assembly
  **Note: Assemblies will have error free Illumina reads simulated for processing.**
  --assembly                          [string]  A assembled genome in compressed FASTA format. (requires --sample)

Dataset Parameters
  --datasets                          [string]  The path to datasets that have already been set up
  --species                           [string]  Name of species for species-specific dataset to use
  --ask_merlin                        [boolean] Ask Merlin to execute species specific Bactopia tools based on Mash distances
  --coverage                          [integer] Reduce samples to a given coverage [default: 100]
  --genome_size                       [string]  Expected genome size (bp) for all samples, a value of '0' will disable read error correction and read
                                                subsampling, otherwise estimate with Mash [default: 0]

Annotate Genome Parameters
  --use_bakta                         [boolean] Use Bakta for genome annotation (requires --bakta_db)

Optional Parameters
  --outdir                            [string]  Base directory to write results to [default: ./]
  --run_name                          [string]  Name of the directory to hold results [default: bactopia]

Helpful Parameters
  --wf                                [string]  Specify which workflow or Bactopia Tool to execute [default: bactopia]
  --list_wfs                          [boolean] List the available workflows and Bactopia Tools to use with '--wf'
  --help_all                          [boolean] An alias for --help --show_hidden_params
  --version                           [boolean] Display version text.

!! Hiding 166 params, use --show_hidden_params (or --help_all) to show them !!
If you use bactopia for your analysis please cite:

* Bactopia

* The nf-core framework

* Software dependencies


Bactopia has multiple approaches to specify your input sequences. Bactopia can process Illumina and Nanopore FASTQs and assemblies.

Illumina and Nanopore FASTQs a can be locally available or an Experiment accession to download associated FASTQs from the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA). If you have Illumina and Nanopore reads for a sample you have choose to do a hybrid assembly.

Likewise assemblies can be local, or a GenBank/RefSeq accession to download from NCBI Assembly. Input assemblies will have Illumina reads simulated so that the complete Bactopia pipeline run. By default, the assembly will not be reassembled.

Which approach really depends on what you need to achieve! The following sections describe methods to process single samples, multiple samples, downloading samples from the ENA.


Single Sample

When you only need to process a single sample at a time, Bactopia allows that! You only have to the sample name (--sample) and the whether the read set is paired-end (--R1 and --R2), single-end (--SE), Illumina paired-end + long reads (--hybrid), or an assembly (--assembly).


Use --R1, --R2 for Paired-End FASTQs

bactopia --sample my-sample --R1 /path/to/my-sample_R1.fastq.gz --R2 /path/to/my-sample_R2.fastq.gz


Use --SE for Single-End FASTQs

bactopia --sample my-sample --SE /path/to/my-sample.fastq.gz


Use --SE and --ont for Oxford Nanopore FASTQs

bactopia --sample my-sample --SE /path/to/my-ont-sample.fastq.gz --ont

Hybrid Assembly

Use --R1, --R2, --SE, and --hybrid for Paired-End FASTQs with Long Reads

At the assembly step, Unicycler will be used to create a hybrid assembly using the paired-end reads and the long reads.

bactopia --sample my-sample 
         --R1 /path/to/my-sample_R1.fastq.gz \
         --R2 /path/to/my-sample_R2.fastq.gz \
         --SE /path/to/my-ont-sample.fastq.gz \


Use --assembly for an assembled FASTA

Assemblies will have 2x250bp Illumina reads simulated without insertions or deletions in the sequence and a minimum PHRED score of Q33. By default, the input assembly will be used for all downstream analyses (e.g. annotation) which use an assembly. If the --reassemble parameter is given, then the a assembly will be created from the simulated reads.

bactopia --sample my-sample --assembly /path/to/my-sample.fna.gz 

Multiple Samples

For multiple samples, you must create a file with information about the inputs, a file of filenames (FOFN). This file specifies sample names and location of FASTQs/FASTAs to be processed. Using this information, paired-end, single-end, nanopore, hybrid or assembly information can be extracted as well as naming output files.

While this is an additional step for you, the user, it helps to avoid potential pattern matching errors.

Most importantly, by taking this approach, you can process hundreds of samples in a single command. There is also the added benefit of knowing which FASTQs were analysed and their location at a later time!

Use --samples for Multiple Samples

bactopia --samples my-samples.txt

The FOFN Format

Here is an example FOFN created by bactopia prepare.

sample  runtype r1  r2  extra
SA103113    assembly            /example/SA103113.fna.gz
SA110685    hybrid  /example/SA110685_R1.fastq.gz   /SA110685_R2.fastq.gz   /example/SA110685.fastq.gz
SA123186    paired-end  /example/SA123186_R1.fastq.gz   /example/SA123186_R2.fastq.gz
SA123456    single-end  /example/SA12345.fastq.gz
SA123456ONT ont /example/SA12345ONT.fastq.gz

The expected structure is a tab-delimited table with three columns:

  1. sample: A unique prefix, or unique name, to be used for naming output files
  2. runtype: Informs Bactopia what type of input the sample is
  3. r1: If paired-end, the first pair of reads, else the single-end reads
  4. r2: If paired-end, the second pair of reads
  5. extra: Either the assembly or long reads associated with a sample.

These five columns are used as the header for the file. In other words, all input FOFNs require their first line to be:

sample  runtype r1  r2  extra

All lines after the header line, contain unique sample names and location(s) to associated FASTQ file(s). Absolute paths should be used to prevent any file not found errors due to the relative path changing.

In the example above, four samples would be processed by Bactopia.

  1. SA103113 would have simulated reads crreated from the assembly
  2. SA110685 would have a hybrid assembly created using the paired-end reads and long-reads
  3. SA123186 would be processed as paired-end reads
  4. SA123456 would be processed as single-end reads
  5. SA123456ONT would be processed as Nanopore reads

Use bactopia prepare to generate the FOFN

You can manually create the FOFN, but it is highly recommended to always use bactopia prepare to generate the FOFN. By using a FOFN generated from bactopia prepare you can be confident your FOFN will work with Bactopia.

Generating A FOFN

bactopia prepare has been included to help aid (hopefully!) the process of creating a FOFN for your samples. This script will attempt to find FASTQ files in a given directory and output the expected FOFN format. It will also output any potential issues associated with the pattern matching.

Verify accuracy of FOFN

This is currently an experimental function. There are likely bugs to be ironed out. Please be sure to give the resulting FOFN a quick look over.

usage: bactopia prepare [-h] [-f STR] [-a STR] [--fastq_separator STR] [--fastq_pattern STR] 
                        [--pe1_pattern STR] [--pe2_pattern STR] [--assembly_pattern STR] [-r] 
                        [--long_reads] [--merge] [--prefix STR] [--version] STR

bactopia prepare - Read a directory and prepare a FOFN of FASTQs/FASTAs

positional arguments:
  STR                   Directory where FASTQ files are stored

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f STR, --fastq_ext STR
                        Extension of the FASTQs. Default: .fastq.gz
  -a STR, --assembly_ext STR
                        Extension of the FASTA assemblies. Default: .fna.gz
  --fastq_separator STR
                        Split FASTQ name on the last occurrence of the separator. Default: _
  --fastq_pattern STR   Glob pattern to match FASTQs. Default: *.fastq.gz
  --pe1_pattern STR     Designates difference first set of paired-end reads. Default: ([Aa]|[Rr]1|1) (R1, r1, 1, A, a)
  --pe2_pattern STR     Designates difference second set of paired-end reads. Default: ([Bb]|[Rr]2|2) (R2, r2, 2, AB b)
  --assembly_pattern STR
                        Glob pattern to match assembly FASTAs. Default: *.fna.gz
  -r, --recursive       Directories will be traversed recursively
  --long_reads          Single-end reads should be treated as long reads
  --merge               Flag samples with multiple read sets to be merged by Bactopia
  --prefix STR          Replace the absolute path with a given string. Default: Use absolute path
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Use --long_reads to tell Bactopia to process as Nanopore reads

When --long_reads is used, any reads that are identified as single-end will be given a runtype of ont. This will tell Bactopia to process these reads as Nanopore reads.

Validating FOFN

When a FOFN is given, the first thing Bactopia does is verify all FASTQ files are found. If everything checks out, each sample will then be processed, otherwise a list of samples with errors will be output to STDERR.

If you would like to only validate your FOFN (and not run the full pipeline), you can use the --check_samples parameter.

Without Errors

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.01.0
Launching `/home/rpetit3/repos/bactopia/` [gigantic_meitner] - revision: 6a0fbfbd9c
Printing what would have been processed. Each line consists of an array of


[SA103113, assembly, false, [null, null], /example/SA103113.fna.gz]
[SA110685, hybrid, false, [/example/SA110685_R1.fastq.gz, /example/SA110685_R2.fastq.gz], /example/SA110685.fastq.gz]
[SA123186, paired-end, false, [/example/SA123186_R1.fastq.gz, /example/SA123186_R2.fastq.gz], null]
[SA12345, single-end, true, [/example/SA12345.fastq.gz], null]
[SA12345ONT, ont, true, [/example/SA12345ONT.fastq.gz], null]
Each sample has passed validation and is put into a five element array:

  1. sample - the name for this sample
  2. runtype - the type of run (paired, single, ont, etc...) that should be used
  3. is_single_end - the reads are single-end (true) or paired-end (false)
  4. fastq_array - the fastqs associated with the sample
  5. extra - Extra column for reads to be used in hybrid assembly

This array is then automatically queued up for proccessing by Nextflow.

With errors
N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.01.0
Launching `/home/rpetit3/repos/bactopia/` [special_ampere] - revision: 6a0fbfbd9c
LINE 4:ERROR: Please verify /example-bad/SA123186_R1.fastq.gz exists, and try again
LINE 4:ERROR: Please verify /example-bad/SA123186_R2.fastq.gz exists, and try again
LINE 5:ERROR: Please verify /example-bad/SA12345.fastq.gz exists, and try again
Sample name "SA123186" is not unique, please revise sample names
Verify sample names are unique and/or FASTA/FASTQ paths are correct
See "--example_fastqs" for an example

In the above example, there are multiple errors. Lines 4 and 5 (LINE 4:ERROR or LINE 5:ERROR) suggest that based on the given paths the FASTQs do not exist. The sample name SA123186 has been used multiple times, and must be corrected.


There are a lot of publicly avilable sequences available from the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) and the Sequence Read Archive (SRA). There's a good chance you might want to include some of those sequences in your analysis! If that sounds like you, Bactopia has that built in for you! You can give a single Experiment accession (--accession) or a file where each line is a single Experiment accession (--accessions). Bactopia will then query ENA to determine Run accession(s) associated with the given Experiment accession and proceed download the corresponding FASTQ files from either the SRA (default) or ENA (--use_ena).

After the download is completed, it will be processed through Bactopia.

Use --accession for a Single Experiment Accession

SRA: bactopia --accession SRX476958
ENA: bactopia --accession SRX476958 --use_ena

Use --accessions for Multiple Experiment Accessions

SRA: bactopia --accessions my-accessions.txt
ENA: bactopia --accessions my-accessions.txt --use_ena

What happens when an Experiment has multiple Runs?

In cases where a single Experiment might have multiple Run accessions associated with it, the FASTQ files from each Run are merged into a single set of sequences.

Generating Accession List

bactopia search has been made to help assist in generating a list of Experiment accessions to be procesed by Bactopia (via --accessions). Users can provide a Taxon ID (e.g. 1280), a binary name (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus), a Study accession (e.g. PRJNA480016), a BioSample accession (e.g. SAMN01737350), or a Run accession (e.g. SRR578340). This value is then queried against ENA's Data Warehouse API), and a list of all Experiment accessions associated with the query is returned.

usage: bactopia search [-h] [--exact_taxon] [--outdir OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
                       [--prefix PREFIX] [--limit INT] [--version]

bactopia search - Search ENA for associated WGS samples

positional arguments:
  STR                   Taxon ID or Study, BioSample, or Run accession

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --exact_taxon         Exclude Taxon ID descendents.
                        Directory to write output. (Default: .)
  --prefix PREFIX       Prefix to use for output file names. (Default: ena)
  --limit INT           Maximum number of results to return. (Default:
  --version             show program's version number and exit

example usage:
  bactopia search PRJNA480016 --limit 20
  bactopia search 1280 --exact_taxon --limit 20'
  bactopia search "staphylococcus aureus" --limit 20
  bactopia search SAMN01737350
  bactopia search SRR578340
bactopia search PRJNA480016 --limit 5

When completed three files are produced:

  1. ena-accessions.txt - Contains a list of Experiment accessions to be processed.

Input for Bactopia

This file can be used in conjunction with the --accessions parameter for Bactopia processing.

  1. ena-results.txt - Contains the full results of the API query. This includes multiples fields (sample_accession, tax_id, sample_alias, center_name, etc...)

  2. ena-summary.txt - Contains a small summary of the completed request

    QUERY: (study_accession=PRJNA480016 OR secondary_study_accession=PRJNA480016)
    LIMIT: 5
    RESULTS: 5 (./ena-results.txt)
    ILLUMINA ACCESSIONS: 5 (./ena-accessions.txt)


After you run Bactopia, you will notice a directory called work. This directory is where Nextflow runs all the processes and stores the intermediate files. After a process completes successfully, the appropriate results are pulled out and placed in the sample's result folder. The work directory can grow very large very quickly! Please keep this in mind when using Bactopia. To help prevent the build up of the work directory you can use --cleanup_workdir to delete intermediate files after a successful execution of Bactopia.

Bactopia and Bactopia Tools use separate work directories

Inside the work directory there will be separate subfolders that correspond to a Bactopia run or a specific Bactopia Tool run. This allows you to more easily identify which are ok to delete. The work directory is always ok to delete after a successful run.


At execution, Nextflow creates a queue and the number of slots in the queue is determined by the total number of cores on the system. So if you have a 24-core system, that means Nextflow will have a queue with 24-slots available. This feature kind of makes --max_cpus a little misleading. Typically when you give --max_cpus you are saying "use this amount of cpus". But that is not the case for Nextflow and Bactopia. When you use --max_cpus what you are actually saying is "for any particular task, use this amount of slots". Commands within a task processors will use the amount specified by --max_cpus.

--max_cpus can have a significant effect on the efficiency of Bactopia

So for example if you have a system with 24-cores.

This command, bactopia ... --max_cpus 24, says for any particular task, use 24 slots. Nextflow will give tasks in Bactopia 24 slots out of 24 available (24-core machine). In other words the queue can one have one task running at once because each task occupies 24 slots.

On the other hand, bactopia ... --max_cpus 4 says for any particular task, use 4 slots. Now, for Nextflow will give each task 4 slots out of 24 slots. Which means 6 tasks can be running at once. This can lead to much better efficiency because less jobs are stuck waiting in line.

There are some tasks in Bactopia that will only ever use a single slot because they are single-core tasks. But for example the annotation step will always use the number of slots specified by --max_cpus. If the --max_cpus is too high, the annotation will get bogged down, which causes tasks dependent on annotation to also get bogged down.

When in doubt --max_cpus 4 is a safe value.

This is also the default value for Bactopia.


The -qs parameter is short for queue size. As described above for --max_cpus, the default value for -qs is set to the total number of cores on the system. This parameter allows you to adjust the maximum number of cores Nextflow can use at any given moment.

-qs allows you to play nicely on shared resources

From the example above, if you have a system with 24-cores. The default queue size if 24 slots.

bactopia ... --max_cpus 4 says for any particular task, use a maximum of 4 slots. Nextflow will give each task 4 slots out of 24 slots. But there might be other people also using the server.

bactopia ... --max_cpus 4 -qs 12 says for any particular task, use a maximum of 4 slots, but don't use more than 12 slots. Nextflow will give each task 4 slots out of 12 slots. Now instead of using all the cores on the server, the maximum that can be used in 12.

-qs might need adjusting for job schedulers.

The default value for -qs is set to 100 when using a job scheduler (e.g. SLURM, AWS Batch). There may be times when you need adjust this to meet your needs. For example, if using AWS Batch you might want to increase the value to have more jobs processed at once (e.g. 100 vs 500).


Throughout the Bactopia workflow a genome size is used for various tasks. By default, a genome size is estimated using Mash. However, users can provide their own value for genome size, use values based on Species Specific Datasets, or completely disable it.

Value Result
empty Mash is used to estimate the genome size
integer Uses the genome size (e.g. --genome_size 2800000) provided by the user
0 Read error correct and read subsampling will be disabled.
min Requires --species, the minimum completed genome size for a species is used
median Requires --species, the median completed genome size for a species is used
mean Requires --species, the mean completed genome size for a species is used
max Requires --species, the maximum completed genome size for a species is used

Mash may not be the most accurate estimate

Mash is very convenient to quickly estimate a genome size, but it may not be the most accurate in all cases and will differ between samples. It is recommended that when possible a known genome size or one based off completed genomes should be used.


A key feature of Nextflow is you can provide your own config files. What this boils down to you can easily set Bactopia to run on your environment. With --nfconfig you can tell Bactopia to import your config file.

--nfconfig has been set up so that it is the last config file to be loaded by Nextflow. This means that if your config file contains variables (e.g. params or profiles) already set they will be overwritten by your values.

Nextflow goes into great details on how to create configuration files. Please check the following links for adjustsments you be interested in making.

Scope Description
env Set any environment variables that might be required
params Change the default values of command line arguments
process Adjust perprocess configurations such as containers, conda envs, or resource usage
profile Create predefined profiles for your Executor

There are many other scopes that you might be interested in checking out.

You are most like going to want to create a custom profile. By doing so you can specify it at runtime (-profile myProfile) and Nextflow will be excuted based on that profile. Often times your custom profile will include information on the executor (queues, allocations, apths, etc...).

If you need help please reach out!

If you're using the standard profile (did not specify -profile 'xyz') this might not be necessary.


Bactopia relies on Nextflow's Resume Feature to resume runs. You can tell Bactopia to resume by adding -resume to your command line. When -resume is used, Nextflow will review the cache and determine if the previous run is resumable. If the previous run is not resumable, execution will start at the beginning.


In some processes, Bactopia will delete large intermediate files (e.g. multiple uncompressed FASTQs) only after a process successfully completes. Since this a per-process function, it does not affect Nextflow's ability to resume (-resume)a workflow. You can deactivate this feature using --keep_all_files. Please, keep in mind the work directory is already large, this will make it 2-3 times larger.