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Beginner's Guide

Bactopia is a complete pipeline for the analysis of bacterial genomes, which includes more than 150 bioinformatics tools. In this section, we will discuss the most essential parameters users will need to make use of to get started with Bactopia. We are going to focus on the parameters associated with processing input samples.

Looking at the workflow overview below, we are really going to focus on the first step, the Gather step. This step gets all the data in one place, whether its local FASTQs, FASTQs from SRA or ENA, or assemblies from NCBI Assembly. The following guide will provide few examples of each of these accepted inputs, including:

  • Local Illumina and/or Nanopore Reads
  • Local Assemblies
  • ENA/SRA Experiment Accessions
  • NCBI Assembly Accessions

Towards the end of this guide, we'll also take a look at some helpful parameters. If you are interested in learning more about the full set of parameters available in Bactopia, please check out the Full Guide section.

Bactopia Workflow

Gathering Inputs

Below is a table of essential parameters you will need to get started using Bactopia. This does not mean you need to use them all at once, but it will be useful to familiarize yourself with them. We will start here, with a brief description of each parameter, then we will go into more detail about each with example use cases.

Input Parameters

The following parameters are how you will provide either local or remote samples to be processed by Bactopia.

Parameter Description
--samples A FOFN (via bactopia prepare) with sample names and paths to FASTQ/FASTAs to process
Type: string
--r1 First set of compressed (gzip) Illumina paired-end FASTQ reads (requires --r2 and --sample)
Type: string
--r2 Second set of compressed (gzip) Illumina paired-end FASTQ reads (requires --r1 and --sample)
Type: string
--se Compressed (gzip) Illumina single-end FASTQ reads (requires --sample)
Type: string
--ont Compressed (gzip) Oxford Nanopore FASTQ reads (requires --sample)
Type: string
--hybrid Create hybrid assembly using Unicycler. (requires --r1, --r2, --ont and --sample)
Type: boolean
--short_polish Create hybrid assembly from long-read assembly and short read polishing. (requires --r1, --r2, --ont and --sample)
Type: boolean
--sample Sample name to use for the input sequences
Type: string
--accessions A file containing ENA/SRA Experiment accessions or NCBI Assembly accessions to processed
Type: string
--accession Sample name to use for the input sequences
Type: string
--assembly A assembled genome in compressed FASTA format. (requires --sample)
Type: string
--check_samples Validate the input FOFN provided by --samples
Type: boolean

Now let's take a look at each parameter in more detail with a few example use-cases.

Single Sample

It's no secret that Bactopia accepts many different types of inputs from a single entry point (e.g. you don't need a separate pipeline for each input type). For now we are going to look at local inputs. In other words, inputs that are already on the machine you will be running Bactopia on. We will look at the following inputs:

  • Local Illumina and/or Nanopore Reads
  • Local Assemblies
  • Processing Multiple Samples

Illumina and/or Nanopore Reads

Let's start with the most common inputs, plain on FASTQ files for a single sample. Bactopia accepts both Illumina (pair-end or single-end) and Nanopore reads, and can even process them together for a hybrid assembly.

Again, here we are focussing on processing a single sample at a time. To do this, you have to provide a combination of the sample name (--sample) and the input type:

Input Type Required Parameters
Illumina Paired-End --r1 and --r2
Illumina Single-End --se
Oxford Nanopore --ont
Hybrid --r1, --r2, --ont, and --hybrid
Hybrid (Short-read Polishing) --r1, --r2, --ont, and --short_polish

--sample is always required for single-sample processing

When processing a single sample, you will always have to provide --sample, no matter input type. This parameter is used to name the output files and directories.


In this example, Bactopia will process the sample as paired-end Illumina reads. The --r1 and --r2 parameters are used to specify the location of the first and second pair of reads. In addition, the value of --sample will be used as the prefix (e.g. my-sample.fna.gz) for saving results.

Use --r1, --r2 for Paired-End Illumina Reads

bactopia \
   --sample my-sample \
   --r1 /path/to/my-sample_R1.fastq.gz \
   --r2 /path/to/my-sample_R2.fastq.gz

In this example, Bactopia will process the sample as single-end Illumina reads. The --se parameter is used to specify the location of the single-end reads. Again, the value of --sample will be used as the prefix for saving results.

Use --se for Single-End Illumina Reads

bactopia \
   --sample my-sample \
   --se /path/to/my-sample.fastq.gz

Let's change pace a little, to process Nanopore reads you will need --ont to specify the location of the Nanopore reads as well as --sample for naming outputs.

Use --ont for Oxford Nanopore Reads

bactopia \
   --sample my-sample \
   --ont /path/to/my-sample.fastq.gz
Hybrid Assembly

Now we are starting to get into the fun stuff! Let's say you have both paired-end Illumina reads and Nanopore reads for a sample. You can use Bactopia to create a hybrid assembly using both sets of reads. To do this you will pass the reads using --r1, --r2 (for Illumina reads), and --ont (for Nanopore reads). Alongside these, you will also provide the --hybrid parameter will tell Bactopia to create a hybrid assembly by using Unicycler which assembles the short-reads first then bridges the gaps with the long-reads.

Use --r1, --r2, --ont, and --hybrid for hybrid assembly

bactopia \
   --sample my-sample \
   --r1 /path/to/my-sample_R1.fastq.gz \
   --r2 /path/to/my-sample_R2.fastq.gz \
   --ont /path/to/my-sample.fastq.gz \
Hybrid Assembly (Short-read Polishing)

Very similar to --hybrid, you will pass the reads using --r1, --r2 (for Illumina reads), and --ont (for Nanopore reads). Instead this time you will use --short_polish which will tell Bactopia to create a hybrid assembly using Dragonflye to assemble the long-reads first then polish with the short-reads.

Use --r1, --r2, --ont, and --short_polish for hybrid assembly with short-read polishing

bactopia \
   --sample my-sample \
   --r1 /path/to/my-sample_R1.fastq.gz \
   --r2 /path/to/my-sample_R2.fastq.gz \
   --ont /path/to/my-sample.fastq.gz \

Prefer --short_polish over --hybrid with recent ONT sequencing

Using Unicycler (--hybrid) to create a hybrid assembly works great when you have low-coverage noisy long-reads. However, if you are using recent ONT sequencing, you likely have high-coverage and using the --short_polish method is going to yeild better results (and be faster!) than --hybrid.

Well! These are all the ways you can process your local Illumina and/or Nanopore reads. Now, onto assemblies!


Let's imagine, for what ever reason, you don't have access to the raw reads for a sample, only the assembly. It happens, but Bactopia has you covered! You can use the --assembly parameter to tell Bactopia to use the assembly for downstream analyses.

Now when you provide an assembly a few things happen.

  1. Assemblies will have 2x250bp Illumina reads simulated without insertions or deletions in the sequence and a minimum PHRED score of Q33.
  2. By default, the input assembly will be used for all downstream analyses (e.g. annotation) which use an assembly. Otherwise, if the --reassemble parameter is given, then an assembly will be created from the simulated reads.

Use --assembly for an assembled FASTA

bactopia \
   --sample my-sample \
   --assembly /path/to/my-sample.fna.gz

ENA/SRA Accession

Bactopia's predecessor, Staphopia, relied heavily on the ability to access publicly available FASTQs from the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) and the Sequence Read Archive (SRA). It was important this ability to rapidly access millions of samples was maintained in Bactopia.

So, if you find yourself wanting to include publicly available samples in your analysis, Bactopia has that built in for you! You can give a provide an Experiment accession (--accession), and Bactopia will use fastq-dl to automatically download associated FASTQ files from either ENA or SRA. Then the downloaded FASTQ file will be processed by Bactopia just like your normal local FASTQs.

Use --accession to process an Experiment accession

bactopia \
   --accession SRX000000

Why only Experiment accessions?

In the grand scheme of accession hierarchies, Experiment accessions are really the only unique ones. For example, a multiple Run accessions can be associated with a single Experiment accession. Or, multiple Exeriment accessions can be associated with a single BioSample accession. So, by using Experiment accessions, you can be confident you are getting only the sequences associated with that "unique" Experiment.

I only have a XYZ accession, what now?

That's not an issue at all! You can make use of bactopia search to quickly find any Experiment accessions associated with your accession. Please see the examples below for more information.

What happens when an Experiment has multiple Runs?

In cases where a single Experiment might have multiple Run accessions associated with it, the FASTQ files from each Run are merged into a single set of sequences.

NCBI Assembly Accession

If you can process assemblies, and seamlessly download FASTQs from ENA/SRA, it only makes sense that you could also process assemblies from NCBI Assembly! Similar to downloading FASTQs from ENA/SRA, you can provide an NCBI Assembly accession using --accession. These accessions are the ones that start with GCF or GCA. When provided an NCBI Assembly accession Bactopia will use ncbi-genome-download to go fetch the associated assembly and process it just like a local assembly.

Use --accession to process an NCBI Assembly accession

bactopia \
   --accession GCF_000000000

Do I need to provide the assembly version? (e.g. GCF_000000000.1)

Overtime I've found the assembly version to be unstable. For example, sometimes an assembly might be corrected, and the previous version is not made available any longer. So, to avoid any issues, Bactopia will always use the latest version of a given NCBI Assembly accession.

Multiple Samples

By this point you should have a good understanding of how to process a single sample, but you might be thinking: "I have hundreds of samples, I don't want to run Bactopia hundreds of times. Can I just run them all at once?" The answer is YES!

Bactopia allows you to provide a file of filenames (FOFN) using --samples or a list of accessions using --accessions. Using either of these parameters, allows you to process a single or thousands of samples in a single command.

In this section, we will look at the how to process multiple samples using --samples and --accessions. We will also look Bactopia Helper commands to assist in generating the appropriate FOFN or accession list to process multiple samples.

Here's a little table to help you decide which parameter to use:

Parameter Application Helper Command
--samples Local Samples bactopia prepare
--accessions ENA/SRA & Assembly Accessions bactopia search

Now, let's look into each of these in more detail.

Local Samples

Above you learned how you could use parameters like --r1 and --r2 to process a single sample, but you have a lot of samples you just received sequences for. Now you plan to run Bactopia on each sample, so let's learn how to generate a FOFN, or samplesheet, you can pass to Bactopia to process all samples at once.

First, I've thrown out file of filenames (FOFN) a few times now, but what is it? A FOFN, a file that contains a list of samples and their associated FASTQs/FASTAs. A file, of filenames.

For Bactopia this FOFN is a tab-delimited table with five columns:

Column Description
sample A unique prefix, or unique name, to be used for naming output files
runtype Informs Bactopia what type of input the sample is (e.g. paired-end, single-end, nanopore, etc...)
genome_size The expected genome size for the given sample
species The expected taxonomic classification for the given sample
r1 If paired-end, the first pair of reads, else the single-end reads
r2 If paired-end, the second pair of reads
extra Either the assembly or long reads associated with a sample

With this in mind, let's look at an example FOFN:

sample  runtype genome_size    species   r1      r2      extra
s01     paired-end  180000  Bacterial species  /fq/s01_R1_001.fastq.gz  /fq/s01_R2_001.fastq.gz
s02     paired-end  180000  Bacterial species  /fq/s02_R1_001.fastq.gz  /fq/s02_R2_001.fastq.gz
s03     single-end  180000  Bacterial species  /fq/s03_001.fastq.gz

With this FOFN, you can use --samples to process all three samples at once.

Use --samples for Multiple Local Samples

Using --samples can turn into a huge time saver for you, and it is always recommended to take this approach when possible.

bactopia \
    --samples my-samples.txt

Now, you might be thinking, "I don't want to create a FOFN by hand, that's a lot of work!"

Well, lucky you! Bactopia has a built in helper command to help you generate a FOFN automatically. Let's take a look at bactopia prepare.

bactopia prepare

While manually creating the necessary FOFN is possible, it's not recommended. It can be a bit tedious and error-prone, so please avoid manually creating your FOFN. Instead, use bactopia prepare to help accurately generate a FOFN for your samples.

When Bactopia recieves a FOFN, the first thing Bactopia does is verify all input files are found and compressed using Gzip. If everything checks out, each sample will then be processed, otherwise a list of samples with errors will be output to STDERR.

Use --check_samples to only validate the FOFN

If you would like to only validate your FOFN (and not run the full pipeline), you can use the --check_samples parameter. However, if you used bactopia prepare to generate your FOFN it should be valid.

Honestly, bactopia prepare is one of those tools that is best explained by example. So, let's take a look at a few examples.


Using bactopia prepare can be a bit tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, you will find yourself using it all the time.

Use nice file names

bactopia prepare defaults to <SAMPLE_NAME>_R1.fastq.gz and <SAMPLE_NAME>_R2.fastq.gz for paired-end reads, and <SAMPLE_NAME>.fastq.gz for single-end reads. Using filenames that following this will help you avoid using regular expressions.

bactopia prepare should be handle your set up to generate the appropriate, but you might have to work for it. Let's take a look at available parameters and a few examples.

Available bactopia prepare Parameters
Parameter Description
--path The directory where your FASTQs/FASTAs are stored.
--assembly_ext The extension of your FASTAs.
Default: .fna.gz
--fastq_ext The extension of your FASTQs.
Default: .fastq.gz
--fastq_separator The character to split the FASTQ name on.
Default: _
--pe1_pattern The regular expression to match the first pair of paired-end reads.
Default: ([Aa]|[Rr]1|1)
--pe2_pattern The regular expression to match the second pair of paired-end reads.
Default: ([Bb]|[Rr]2|2)
--merge Flag samples with multiple read sets to be merged by Bactopia.
--ont Flag single-end reads to be treated as Oxford Nanopore reads.
--recursive Flag to recursively search directories for FASTQs/FASTAs.
--prefix Replace the absolute path with a given string.
Default: Use absolute path
--metadata Metadata per sample with genome size and species information.
--genome-size Genome size to use for all samples.
--species Species to use for all samples (If available, can be used to determine genome size).
--taxid Use the genome size of the Taxon ID for all samples.
Illumina Reads

Let's say you have a directory of paired-end Illumina reads. The files are named to match the default expectations: <SAMPLE_NAME>_R1.fastq.gz, <SAMPLE_NAME>_R2.fastq.gz, and <SAMPLE_NAME>.fastq.gz. You can use bactopia prepare to generate a FOFN for you.

bactopia prepare --path /path/to/fastqs

This will generate a FOFN that looks like this:

sample  runtype  genome_size species r1      r2      extra
s01     paired-end 180000 unknown  /path/to/fastqs/s01_R1.fastq.gz    /path/to/fastqs/s01_R2.fastq.gz
s02     paired-end 180000 unknown  /path/to/fastqs/s02_R1.fastq.gz    /path/to/fastqs/s02_R2.fastq.gz
s03     single-end 180000 unknown  /path/to/fastqs/s03.fastq.gz
Oxford Nanopore Reads

Let's say you have a directory of Oxford Nanopore reads. The files are named to match the default expectations: <SAMPLE_NAME>.fastq.gz. You can use bactopia prepare to generate a FOFN for you.

bactopia prepare --path /path/to/fastqs --ont

By using --ont, any single-end reads that are found will be treated as ONT reads. Using this will generate a FOFN that looks like this:

sample  runtype  genome_size species r1      r2      extra
s03     ont  180000 unknown  /path/to/fastqs/s01.fastq.gz
Illumina Paired-End and Oxford Nanopore Reads

Let's say you have a directory of paired-end Illumina reads and Oxford Nanopore reads. Again, they are named to match the default expectations: <SAMPLE_NAME>_R1.fastq.gz, <SAMPLE_NAME>_R2.fastq.gz, and <SAMPLE_NAME>.fastq.gz. You can use bactopia prepare to generate a FOFN for you.

bactopia prepare --path /path/to/fastqs --ont

Again, use --ont to tell bactopia prepare to treat any single-end reads as ONT reads. Using this will generate a FOFN that looks like this:

sample  runtype  genome_size species r1      r2      extra
s01     paired-end 180000 unknown  /path/to/fastqs/s01_R1.fastq.gz    /path/to/fastqs/s01_R2.fastq.gz
s02     paired-end 180000 unknown  /path/to/fastqs/s02_R1.fastq.gz    /path/to/fastqs/s02_R2.fastq.gz
s03     ont  180000 unknown  /path/to/fastqs/s03.fastq.gz
Merging Multiple Illumina Runs

Let's say you have a directory of Illumina reads, but you have multiple runs for each sample and want Bactopia to merge the reads. Again, assuming they are named to match the default expectations: <SAMPLE_NAME>_R1.fastq.gz, <SAMPLE_NAME>_R2.fastq.gz, and <SAMPLE_NAME>.fastq.gz. You can use bactopia prepare to generate a FOFN for you.

bactopia prepare --path /path/to/fastqs --merge

By using --merge, any samples with multiple runs will be merged into a single set of reads. Using this will generate a FOFN that looks like this:

sample  runtype  genome_size species r1      r2      extra
s01     merge-pe 180000 unknown  /run1/s01_R1.fastq.gz,/run2/s01_R1.fastq.gz  /run1/s01_R2.fastq.gz,/run2/s01_R2.fastq.gz
s02     merge-se 180000 unknown  /run1/s02.fastq.gz,/run2/s02.fastq.gz
Reads with '*_001.fastq.gz' names

Let's say you have a directory of Illumina reads, but they are named with *_001.fastq.gz instead of the default expectations: <SAMPLE_NAME>_R1.fastq.gz, <SAMPLE_NAME>_R2.fastq.gz, and <SAMPLE_NAME>.fastq.gz. You can use bactopia prepare but you will have to provide a few extra parameters to generate a FOFN for you.

bactopia prepare --path /path/to/fastqs --fastq-ext '_001.fastq.gz'

Here you will need to use --fastq-ext to tell bactopia prepare to look for *_001.fastq.gz instead of the default *.fastq.gz. Using this will generate a FOFN that looks like this:

sample  runtype  genome_size species r1      r2      extra
s01     paired-end 180000 unknown  /path/to/fastqs/s01_R1_001.fastq.gz    /path/to/fastqs/s01_R2_002.fastq.gz
s02     paired-end 180000 unknown  /path/to/fastqs/s02_R1_001.fastq.gz    /path/to/fastqs/s02_R2_002.fastq.gz
s03     single-end 180000 unknown  /path/to/fastqs/s03_001.fastq.gz

There are many possible combinations of parameters you can use with bactopia prepare, if you have one you are stuck on or would like to see an example of, please let me know by Submitting and Issue on GitHub.


If you started from the top, and made it this far I commend you! Eitherway, above you learned you could use --accession to download FASTQs from ENA/SRA or assemblies from NCBI Assembly. Then you just learned you could use --samples to process as many samples as you want. So, it only makes sense that there would be a complement to --samples for processing multiple accessions at once! This parameter is --accessions.

Use --accessions for Multiple Accessions

Using --accessions can turn into a huge time saver for you, by allowing you to process as many publicly available genomes as you want.

bactopia \
    --accessions my-accessions.txt

Similarly, to --samples, there is a complementary helper command called bactopia search that will allow you to submit a query and generate a list of Experiment accessions to be processed by Bactopia (via --accessions).

Let's take a look at bactopia search and how it can help you.

bactopia search has been made to help assist in generating a list of Experiment accessions to be procesed by Bactopia (via --accessions). You can provide a Taxon ID (e.g. 1280), a organism name (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus), a Study accession (e.g. PRJNA480016), a BioSample accession (e.g. SAMN01737350), or a Run accession (e.g. SRR578340). This value is then queried against ENA's Data Warehouse API), and a list of all Experiment accessions associated with the query is returned.

Again, it's probably easier if we just look at a few examples.


First we'll look at a single example in order to provide a description of the output files.

bactopia search --query PRJNA480016 --limit 5
INFO  2023 00:root:INFO - Submitting query (type - bioproject_accession)
INFO  2023 00:root:INFO - Writing results to ./bactopia-metadata.txt   
INFO  2023 00:root:INFO - Writing accessions to ./bactopia-accessions.txt
INFO  2023 00:root:INFO - Writing filtered accessions to ./bactopia-filtered.txt
INFO  2023 00:root:INFO - Writing summary to ./bactopia-search.txt     

In the above command we are searching for all Experiment accessions associated with the Study accession PRJNA480016. However, the --limit parameter is used to limit results to just 5 Experiment accessions. Then multiple files are produced:

Extension Description
-metadata.txt A tab-delimted file of all results from the query
-accessions.txt A list of Experiment accessions to be processed
-filtered.txt A list of any Experiment accessions that were filtered out, otherwise an empty
-search.txt A summary of the completed request
Example bactopia-metadata.txt

When completed a file called bactopia-metadata.txt is produced. This file contains multiple fields (sample_accession, tax_id, sample_alias, center_name, etc...) for each Experiment accession returned by the query.

run_accession   project_name    submission_accession    library_selection       last_updated    sra_bytes       collected_by    isolate fastq_bytes     instrument_platform     sra_aspera      fastq_galaxy    country  sample_description      experiment_title        sra_galaxy      fastq_md5       sample_accession        secondary_study_accession       read_count      study_title     collection_date_end     sample_title     instrument_model        description     sra_md5 fastq_ftp       base_count      library_strategy        location        library_source  sra_ftp library_layout  location_start  status  lon     fastq_aspera     host_sex        sample_alias    collection_date_start   run_alias       collection_date experiment_alias        center_name     host    library_name    tag     first_created   lat     strain  experiment_accession     scientific_name tax_id  study_accession host_scientific_name    accession       secondary_sample_accession      location_end    first_public    study_alias     isolation_source
SRR7706353      Staphylococcus aureus   SRA760272       RANDOM  2018-08-18      595393300                       353569630;334112090     ILLUMINA;        USA     Pathogen: clinical or host-associated sample from Staphylococcus aureus  Illumina MiSeq sequencing: Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates        6cf7a954abc803c8be6515545b321e2d;f879b1fa058e80fa764beb8e333877ae        SAMN09847868    SRP158268       1493115 Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates       2023-01-07      Pathogen: clinical or host-associated sample from Staphylococcus aureus  Illumina MiSeq  Illumina MiSeq sequencing: Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates    4f7c2a8836ce2471fec07128f2c9b407;        897918508       WGS             GENOMIC PAIRED          public;           JE2     2023-01-07       JE2_R1.fastq.gz 2017-07-01      JE2     SUB4273132      Homo sapiens    JE2     ena;pathogen;bacterium;datahub;priority 2018-08-18              JE2     SRX4563690      Staphylococcus aureus   1280     PRJNA480016     Homo sapiens    SRR7706353      SRS3680044              2018-08-18      PRJNA480016
SRR7706354      Staphylococcus aureus   SRA760272       RANDOM  2018-08-18      227970617       Emory Cystic Fibrosis Biospecimen Registry (CFBR)       replicate of CFBRSa66A  129917564;131945147;       USA: Atlanta, GA MRSA    Illumina MiSeq sequencing: Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates        371165d54adfd1300c7b02e79d8d4245;5517e629b8e8ad00dbd6ef9a5f8d073d        SAMN09847839    SRP158268       535939  Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates       2018-01-02      Pathogen: clinical or host-associated sample from Staphylococcus aureus  Illumina MiSeq  Illumina MiSeq sequencing: Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates    323e7336212b256ba2509a14bd90790a;        322122209       WGS     33.749 N 84.388 W       GENOMIC PAIRED  33.749 N 84.388 W       public  -84.388;    male    CFBRSa66B       2018-01-02      CFBRSa66B_R2.fastq.gz   2012-07-16      CFBRSa66B       SUB4273132      Homo sapiens    CFBRSa66B       ena;pathogen;bacterium;datahub;priority 2018-08-18       33.749  CFBR-150        SRX4563689      Staphylococcus aureus   1280    PRJNA480016     Homo sapiens    SRR7706354      SRS3680043      33.749 N 84.388 W       2018-08-18      PRJNA480016     sputum
SRR7706356      Staphylococcus aureus   SRA760272       RANDOM  2018-08-18      328642242       Emory Cystic Fibrosis Biospecimen Registry (CFBR)               191742121;188439990     ILLUMINA;       USA: Atlanta, GA MRSA    Illumina MiSeq sequencing: Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates        2b0c01434a7e677c6697ff49985de0f7;08c4f37d7fdbeac0133819ee3af6dd21        SAMN09847834    SRP158268       780838  Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates       2017-09-02      Pathogen: clinical or host-associated sample from Staphylococcus aureus  Illumina MiSeq  Illumina MiSeq sequencing: Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates    ec8397df7897777d1c332522c6227458;        469342822       WGS     33.749 N 84.388 W       GENOMIC PAIRED  33.749 N 84.388 W       public  -84.388;    male    CFBRSa25        2017-09-01      CFBRSa25_R2.fastq.gz    2012-03-26      CFBRSa25        SUB4273132      Homo sapiens    CFBRSa25        ena;pathogen;bacterium;datahub;priority 2018-08-18      33.749   CFBR-134        SRX4563687      Staphylococcus aureus   1280    PRJNA480016     Homo sapiens    SRR7706356      SRS3680041      33.749 N 84.388 W       2018-08-18      PRJNA480016     sputum
SRR7706361      Staphylococcus aureus   SRA760272       RANDOM  2018-08-18      599269367       Emory Cystic Fibrosis Biospecimen Registry (CFBR)               353160072;336993031     ILLUMINA;       USA: Atlanta, GA Pathogen: clinical or host-associated sample from Staphylococcus aureus Illumina MiSeq sequencing: Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates 45fa5f0ed629d81282f1429b42c18432;c9c1b6be39fceab54d20d41450776050       SAMN09847850    SRP158268       1496420 Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates       2018-04-04       Pathogen: clinical or host-associated sample from Staphylococcus aureus Illumina MiSeq  Illumina MiSeq sequencing: Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates    085cbb8f7b186d3f61bab022323f61ce;       899864766       WGS     33.749 N 84.388 GENOMIC        PAIRED  33.749 N 84.388 W       public  -84.388;    male    CFBRSa07        2018-04-03      CFBRSa07_R1.fastq.gz    2012-10-03      CFBRSa07        SUB4273132      Homo sapiens    CFBRSa07        ena;pathogen;bacterium;datahub;priority  2018-08-18      33.749  CFBR-238        SRX4563682      Staphylococcus aureus   1280    PRJNA480016     Homo sapiens    SRR7706361      SRS3680035      33.749 N 84.388 W       2018-08-18       PRJNA480016     sputum
SRR7706362      Staphylococcus aureus   SRA760272       RANDOM  2018-08-18      241721284       Emory Cystic Fibrosis Biospecimen Registry (CFBR)               139499004;138853939     ILLUMINA;       USA: Atlanta, GA Pathogen: clinical or host-associated sample from Staphylococcus aureus Illumina MiSeq sequencing: Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates d6f7434e83969245df356e0c3aaa72e8;4bfa95c3a9db9d93b65b39530f5be0c7       SAMN09847844    SRP158268       572961  Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates       2017-11-02       Pathogen: clinical or host-associated sample from Staphylococcus aureus Illumina MiSeq  Illumina MiSeq sequencing: Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus Cystic Fibrosis Isolates    189012bcc94d59002369ebc17ad303fa;       344400515       WGS     33.749 N 84.388 GENOMIC        PAIRED  33.749 N 84.388 W       public  -84.388;    male    CFBRSa06        2017-11-02      CFBRSa06_R1.fastq.gz    2012-05-16      CFBRSa06        SUB4273132      Homo sapiens    CFBRSa06        ena;pathogen;bacterium;datahub;priority  2018-08-18      33.749  CFBR-172        SRX4563681      Staphylococcus aureus   1280    PRJNA480016     Homo sapiens    SRR7706362      SRS3680034      33.749 N 84.388 W       2018-08-18       PRJNA480016     sputum
Example bactopia-summary.txt

When completed a file called bactopia-summary.txt is produced, that will contain a basic summary of the query results.

Bactopia Summary Report

Total Samples: 1

Passed: 1
    Gold: 0
    Silver: 1
    Bronze: 0

Excluded: 0
    Failed Cutoff: 0

    QC Failure: 0

    Full Report (txt): ./bactopia-report.tsv
    Exclusion: ./bactopia-exclude.tsv
    Summary: ./bactopia-summary.txt

Rank Cutoffs:
        Coverage >= 100x
        Quality >= Q30
        Read Length >= 95bp
        Total Contigs < 100
        Coverage >= 50x
        Quality >= Q20
        Read Length >= 75bp
        Total Contigs < 200
        Coverage >= 20x
        Quality >= Q12
        Read Length >= 49bp
        Total Contigs < 500

Assembly Length Exclusions:
    Minimum: None
    Maximum: None

From the output files, you will want to use the file with the -accessions.txt extension. In the above query the -accessions.txt file looked like this:

SRX4563681      illumina        Staphylococcus aureus   2800000
SRX4563689      illumina        Staphylococcus aureus   2800000
SRX4563687      illumina        Staphylococcus aureus   2800000
SRX4563682      illumina        Staphylococcus aureus   2800000
SRX4563690      illumina        Staphylococcus aureus   2800000

Use the file with the -accessions.txt extension with --accessions

The file with the -accessions.txt extension is the file you will use with --accessions to process the Experiment accessions with Bactopia.

Additional Helpful Parameters


Bactopia makes use of Nextflow Config Profiles to specify the executor to use. By default, Bactopia will use the conda profile. There are other built in profiles including: docker, singularity, slurm, etc... To use a specific profile, you can use the -profile parameter.

For example if you want Nextflow to use Docker, you would use the following command:

bactopia ... -profile docker

With this, Nextflow will use Docker to run all the processes in Bactopia (even though Bactopia is installed with Conda!).

Always prefer containers over Conda

While I will be the first to admit that I love Conda, it is not perfect. Overtime tools can become broken or incompatible due to dependencies. Containers are a great way to avoid these issues. If you are using Bactopia, and have Docker or Singularity available I would recommend using them over Conda.


Bactopia relies on Nextflow's Resume Feature to resume runs. You can tell Bactopia to resume by adding -resume to your command line. When -resume is used, Nextflow will review the cache and determine if the previous run is resumable. If the previous run is not resumable, execution will start at the beginning.


At execution, Nextflow creates a queue and the number of slots in the queue is determined by the total number of cores on the system. So if you have a 24-core system, that means Nextflow will have a queue with 24-slots available. This feature kind of makes --max_cpus a little misleading. Typically when you give --max_cpus you are saying "use this amount of cpus". But that is not the case for Nextflow and Bactopia. When you use --max_cpus what you are actually saying is "for any particular task, use this amount of slots". Commands within a task processors will use the amount specified by --max_cpus.

--max_cpus can have a significant effect on the efficiency of Bactopia

For example if you have a system with 24-cores.

This command, bactopia ... --max_cpus 24, says for any particular task, use 24 slots. Nextflow will give tasks in Bactopia 24 slots out of 24 available (24-core machine). In other words the queue can one have one task running at once because each task occupies 24 slots.

On the other hand, bactopia ... --max_cpus 4 says for any particular task, use 4 slots. Now, for Nextflow will give each task 4 slots out of 24 slots. Which means 6 tasks can be running at once. This can lead to much better efficiency because less jobs are stuck waiting in line.

There are some tasks in Bactopia that will only ever use a single slot because they are single-core tasks. While others will always use the number of slots specified by --max_cpus.

If the --max_cpus is too high, you will likely reduce the efficiency of Bactopia.

When in doubt --max_cpus 4 is a safe value.

This is also the default value for Bactopia.


The -qs parameter is short for queue size. As described above for --max_cpus, the default value for -qs is set to the total number of cores on the system. This parameter allows you to adjust the maximum number of cores Nextflow can use at any given moment.

-qs allows you to play nicely on shared resources

From the example above, if you have a system with 24-cores. The default queue size if 24 slots.

bactopia ... --max_cpus 4 says for any particular task, use a maximum of 4 slots. Nextflow will give each task 4 slots out of 24 slots. But there might be other people also using the server.

bactopia ... --max_cpus 4 -qs 12 says for any particular task, use a maximum of 4 slots, but don't use more than 12 slots. Nextflow will give each task 4 slots out of 12 slots. Now instead of using all the cores on the server, the maximum that can be used in 12.

-qs might need adjusting for job schedulers.

The default value for -qs is set to 100 when using a job scheduler (e.g. SLURM, AWS Batch). There may be times when you need adjust this to meet your needs. For example, if using AWS Batch you might want to increase the value to have more jobs processed at once (e.g. 100 vs 500).


Throughout the Bactopia workflow a genome size is used for various tasks. By default, a genome size is set to 0, and things such as coverage reduction are skipped. However, if you provide an expected genome size, these steps will be enabled.

Use --genome_size to improve results and speed

By providing a genome size, Bactopia will reduce the coverage to a maximum of 100x (default). In doing so, for samples with greater than 100x coverage, you will see a reduction in execution time as well is improved results. This is because, with excessive coverage some tools will produce poorer results while taking much longer.


A key feature of Nextflow is you can provide your own config files. What this boils down to you can easily set Bactopia to run on your environment. With --nfconfig you can tell Bactopia to import your config file.

--nfconfig has been set up so that it is the last config file to be loaded by Nextflow. This means that if your config file contains variables (e.g. params or profiles) already set they will be overwritten by your values.

Nextflow goes into great details on how to create configuration files. Please check the following links for adjustments you be interested in making.

Scope Description
env Set any environment variables that might be required
params Change the default values of command line arguments
process Adjust perprocess configurations such as containers, conda envs, or resource usage
profile Create predefined profiles for your Executor

There are many other scopes that you might be interested in checking out.

You are most like going to want to create a custom profile. By doing so you can specify it at runtime (-profile myProfile) and Nextflow will be excuted based on that profile. Often times your custom profile will include information on the executor (queues, allocations, paths, etc...).

If you need help please reach out!

If you're using the standard profile (did not specify -profile 'xyz') this might not be necessary.


After you run Bactopia, you will notice a directory called work. This directory is where Nextflow runs all the processes and stores the intermediate files. After a process completes successfully, the appropriate results are pulled out and placed in the sample's result folder. The work directory can grow very large very quickly! Please keep this in mind when using Bactopia (and other Nextflow pipelines). To help prevent the build up of the work directory you can use --cleanup_workdir to automatically delete the work directory after a successful run.