Bactopia Tool - pangenome
The pangenome
subworkflow allows you to create a pan-genome with PIRATE,
Panaroo, or Roary) of your samples.
You can further supplement your pan-genome by including completed genomes. This is possible using the --species
or --accessions
parameters. If used, ncbi-genome-download will
download available completed genomes available from RefSeq. Any downloaded genomes will be annotated with
Prokka to create compatible GFF3 files.
A phylogeny, based on the core-genome alignment, will be created by IQ-Tree. Optionally a recombination-masked core-genome alignment can be created with ClonalFrameML and maskrc-svg.
Finally, the core genome pair-wise SNP distance for each sample is also calculated with snp-dists and additional pan-genome wide association studies can be conducted using Scoary.
Example Usage¶
bactopia --wf pangenome \
--bactopia /path/to/your/bactopia/results \
--include includes.txt
Output Overview¶
Below is the default output structure for the pangenome
tool. Where possible the
file descriptions below were modified from a tools description.
├── clonalframeml
│ ├── core-genome.ML_sequence.fasta
│ ├── core-genome.em.txt
│ ├── core-genome.emsim.txt
│ ├── core-genome.importation_status.txt
│ ├── core-genome.labelled_tree.newick
│ └── core-genome.position_cross_reference.txt
├── {iqtree,iqtree-fast}
│ ├── core-genome.alninfo
│ ├── {core-genome,start-tree}.bionj
│ ├── {core-genome,start-tree}.ckp.gz
│ ├── core-genome.contree
│ ├── {core-genome,start-tree}.mldist
│ ├── {core-genome,start-tree}.model.gz
│ ├── core-genome.splits.nex
│ ├── {core-genome,start-tree}.treefile
│ └── core-genome.ufboot
├── logs
│ ├── clonalframeml
│ │ ├── nf-clonalframeml.{begin,err,log,out,run,sh,trace}
│ │ └── versions.yml
│ ├── custom_dumpsoftwareversions
│ │ ├── nf-custom_dumpsoftwareversions.{begin,err,log,out,run,sh,trace}
│ │ └── versions.yml
│ ├── {iqtree,iqtree-fast}
│ │ ├── core-genome.log
│ │ ├── nf-iqtree.{begin,err,log,out,run,sh,trace}
│ │ └── versions.yml
│ ├── pirate
│ │ ├── nf-pirate.{begin,err,log,out,run,sh,trace}
│ │ └── versions.yml
│ ├── roary
│ │ ├── nf-roary.{begin,err,log,out,run,sh,trace}
│ │ └── versions.yml
│ └── snpdists
│ ├── nf-snpdists.{begin,err,log,out,run,sh,trace}
│ └── versions.yml
├── nf-reports
│ ├──
│ ├── pangenome-report.html
│ ├── pangenome-timeline.html
│ └── pangenome-trace.txt
├── panaroo
│ ├── aligned_gene_sequences
│ ├── combined_DNA_CDS.fasta.gz
│ ├── combined_protein_CDS.fasta.gz
│ ├── combined_protein_cdhit_out.txt
│ ├── combined_protein_cdhit_out.txt.clstr
│ ├── core_alignment_header.embl
│ ├── core_gene_alignment.aln
│ ├── final_graph.gml
│ ├── gene_data.csv
│ ├── gene_presence_absence.Rtab
│ ├── gene_presence_absence.csv
│ ├── gene_presence_absence_roary.csv
│ ├── pan_genome_reference.fa
│ ├── pre_filt_graph.gml
│ ├── struct_presence_absence.Rtab
│ └── summary_statistics.txt
├── pirate
│ ├── PIRATE.gene_families.ordered.tsv
│ ├── PIRATE.gene_families.tsv
│ ├── PIRATE.genomes_per_allele.tsv
│ ├── PIRATE.pangenome_summary.txt
│ ├── PIRATE.unique_alleles.tsv
│ ├── binary_presence_absence.fasta.gz
│ ├── binary_presence_absence.nwk
│ ├──
│ ├── co-ords
│ │ └── <SAMPLE_NAME>
│ ├── core_alignment.fasta.gz
│ ├── core_alignment.gff
│ ├── feature_sequences
│ │ └── <GENE_FAMILY>.{aa|nucleotide|.fasta
│ ├── gene_presence_absence.csv
│ ├──
│ ├── genome_list.txt
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── modified_gffs
│ │ └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.gff
│ ├── pan_sequences.fasta.gz
│ ├── pangenome.connected_blocks.tsv
│ ├── pangenome.edges
│ ├── pangenome.gfa
│ ├── pangenome.order.tsv
│ ├── pangenome.reversed.tsv
│ ├── pangenome.syntenic_blocks.tsv
│ ├── pangenome.temp
│ ├── pangenome_alignment.fasta.gz
│ ├── pangenome_alignment.gff
│ ├── pangenome_iterations
│ │ ├── pan_sequences.{50|60|70|80|90|95|98}.reclustered.reinflated
│ │ ├── pan_sequences.blast.output
│ │ ├── pan_sequences.cdhit_clusters
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── pan_sequences.mcl_log.txt
│ │ └── pan_sequences.representative.fasta
│ ├──
│ ├── representative_sequences.faa
│ └── representative_sequences.ffn
├── roary
│ ├── accessory.header.embl
│ ├──
│ ├── accessory_binary_genes.fa.gz
│ ├── accessory_binary_genes.fa.newick
│ ├──
│ ├── blast_identity_frequency.Rtab
│ ├── clustered_proteins
│ ├── core_accessory.header.embl
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── core_alignment_header.embl
│ ├── gene_presence_absence.Rtab
│ ├── gene_presence_absence.csv
│ ├── number_of_conserved_genes.Rtab
│ ├── number_of_genes_in_pan_genome.Rtab
│ ├── number_of_new_genes.Rtab
│ ├── number_of_unique_genes.Rtab
│ ├── pan_genome_reference.fa.gz
│ └── summary_statistics.txt
├── core-genome.aln.gz
├── core-genome.distance.tsv
├── core-genome.iqtree
├── core-genome.masked.aln.gz
├── software_versions.yml
└── software_versions_mqc.yml
Top Level¶
Below are results that are in the base directory.
Filename | Description |
core-genome.aln.gz | A multiple sequence alignment FASTA of the core genome |
core-genome.distance.tsv | Core genome Pair-wise SNP distance for each sample |
core-genome.iqtree | Full result of the IQ-TREE core genome phylogeny |
core-genome.masked.aln.gz | A core-genome alignment with the recomination masked |
Below is a description of the ClonalFrameML results. For more details about ClonalFrameML outputs see ClonalFrameML - Outputs.
Filename | Description |
core-genome.ML_sequence.fasta | The sequence reconstructed by maximum likelihood for all internal nodes of the phylogeny, as well as for all missing data in the input sequences |
core-genome.em.txt | The point estimates for R/theta, nu, delta and the branch lengths |
core-genome.emsim.txt | The bootstrapped values for the three parameters R/theta, nu and delta |
core-genome.importation_status.txt | The list of reconstructed recombination events |
core-genome.labelled_tree.newick | The output tree with all nodes labelled so that they can be referred to in other files |
core-genome.position_cross_reference.txt | A vector of comma-separated values indicating for each location in the input sequence file the corresponding position in the sequences in the output ML_sequence.fasta file |
Below is a description of the IQ-TREE results. If ClonalFrameML is executed, a fast tree
is created and given the prefix start-tree
, the final tree has the prefix core-genome
. For more details about
IQ-TREE outputs see IQ-TREE - Outputs.
Filename | Description |
core-genome.alninfo | Alignment site statistics |
{core-genome,start-tree}.bionj | A neighbor joining tree produced by BIONJ |
{core-genome,start-tree}.ckp.gz | IQ-TREE writes a checkpoint file |
core-genome.contree | Consensus tree with assigned branch supports where branch lengths are optimized on the original alignment; printed if Ultrafast Bootstrap is selected |
{core-genome,start-tree}.mldist | Contains the likelihood distances |
{core-genome,start-tree}.model.gz | Information about all models tested |
core-genome.splits.nex | Support values in percentage for all splits (bipartitions), computed as the occurence frequencies in the bootstrap trees |
{core-genome,start-tree}.treefile | Maximum likelihood tree in NEWICK format, can be visualized with treeviewer programs |
core-genome.ufboot | Trees created during the bootstrap steps |
Below is a description of the PIRATE results. For more details about PIRATE outputs see PIRATE - Output files.
Available by default
By default PIRATE is used to create the pan-genome. If --use_panaroo
or --use_roary
are given, pirate
outputs will
not be available only Panaroo or Roary outputs.
Filename | Description |
PIRATE.gene_families.ordered.tsv | Tabular summary of all gene families ordered on syntenic regions in the pangenome graph |
PIRATE.gene_families.tsv | Tabular summary of all gene families |
PIRATE.genomes_per_allele.tsv | A list of genomes associated with each allele |
PIRATE.pangenome_summary.txt | Short summary of the number and frequency of genes in the pangenome |
PIRATE.unique_alleles.tsv | Tabular summary of all unique alleles of each gene family |
binary_presence_absence.{fasta.gz,nwk} | A tree (.nwk) generated by fasttree from binary gene_family presence-absence data and the fasta file used to create it | | List of alleles in paralogous clusters |
co-ords/${SAMPLE_NAME} | Gene feature co-ordinates for each sample |
core_alignment.fasta.gz | Gene-by-gene nucleotide alignments of the core genome created using MAFFT |
core_alignment.gff | Annotation containing the position of the gene family within the core genome alignment |
feature_sequences/${GENE_FAMILY}.{aa|nucleotide}.fasta | Amino acid and nucleotide sequences for each gene family |
gene_presence_absence.csv | Lists each gene and which samples it is present in | | List of loci for each genome |
genome_list.txt | List of genomes in the analysis | | List of loci and their associated genomes | | Concatenation of classified paralogs |
modified_gffs/${SAMPLE_NAME}.gff | GFF3 files which have been standardised for PIRATE |
pan_sequences.fasta.gz | All representative sequences in the pangenome |
pangenome.connected_blocks.tsv | List of connected blocks in the pangenome graph |
pangenome.edges | List of classified edges in the pangenome graph |
pangenome.gfa | GFA network file representing all unique connections between gene families |
pangenome.order.tsv | Sorted list gene_families file on pangenome graph |
pangenome.reversed.tsv | List of reversed blocks in the pangenome graph |
pangenome.syntenic_blocks.tsv | List of syntenic blocks in the pangenome graph |
pangenome_alignment.fasta.gz | Gene-by-gene nucleotide alignments of the full pangenome created using MAFFT |
pangenome_alignment.gff | Annotation containing the position of the gene family within the pangenome alignment |
pangenome_iterations/pan_sequences.{50|60|70|80|90|95|98}.reclustered.reinflated | List of clusters for each reinflation threshold |
pangenome_iterations/pan_sequences.blast.output | BLAST output of sequences against representatives and self hits. |
pangenome_iterations/pan_sequences.cdhit_clusters | A list of CDHIT representative clusters |
pangenome_iterations/ | A list of core clusters. |
pangenome_iterations/pan_sequences.mcl_log.txt | A log file from mcxdeblast and mcl |
pangenome_iterations/pan_sequences.representative.fasta | FASTA file with sequences for each representative cluster | | List of paralogous clusters |
representative_sequences.faa | Representative protein sequences for each gene family |
representative_sequences.ffn | Representative gene sequences for each gene family |
Below is a description of the Panaroo results. For more details about Panaroo outputs see Panaroo Documentation.
Only available when --use_panaroo
is given
By default PIRATE is used to create the pan-genome, unless --use_panaroo
is given.
Filename | Description |
aligned_gene_sequences | A directory of per-gene alignments |
combined_DNA_CDS.fasta.gz | All nucleotide sequence for the annotated genes |
combined_protein_CDS.fasta.gz | All protein sequence for the annotated proeteins |
combined_protein_cdhit_out.txt | Log output from CD-HIT |
combined_protein_cdhit_out.txt.clstr | Cluster information from CD-HIT |
core_alignment_header.embl | The core/pan-genome alignment in EMBL format |
core_gene_alignment.aln.gz | The core/pan-genome alignment in FASTA format |
final_graph.gml | The final pan-genome graph generated by Panaroo |
gene_data.csv | CSV linking each gene sequnece and annotation to the internal representations |
gene_presence_absence.Rtab | A binary tab seperated version of the `gene_presence_absence.csv`` |
gene_presence_absence.csv | Lists each gene and which samples it is present in |
gene_presence_absence_roary.csv | Lists each gene and which samples it is present in in the same format as Roary |
pan_genome_reference.fa.gz | FASTA file which contains a single representative nucleotide sequence from each of the clusters in the pan genome (core and accessory) |
pre_filt_graph.gml | An intermeadiate pan-genome graph generated by Panaroo |
struct_presence_absence.Rtab | A csv file which lists the presence and abscence of different genomic rearrangement events |
summary_statistics.txt | Number of genes in the core and accessory |
Below is a description of the Roary results. For more details about Roary outputs see Roary Documentation.
Only available when --use_roary
is given
By default PIRATE is used to create the pan-genome, unless --use_roary
is given.
Filename | Description |
accessory.header.embl | Tab/EMBL formatted file of accessory genes | | Tab/EMBL formatted file of accessory genes |
accessory_binary_genes.fa | A FASTA file with binary presence and absence of accessory genes |
accessory_binary_genes.fa.newick | A tree created using the binary presence and absence of accessory genes | | A graph in DOT format of how genes are linked together at the contig level in the accessory genome |
blast_identity_frequency.Rtab | Blast results for percentage idenity graph |
clustered_proteins | Groups file where each line lists the sequences in a cluster |
core_accessory.header.embl | Tab/EMBL formatted file of core genes | | Tab/EMBL formatted file of core genes | | A graph in DOT format of how genes are linked together at the contig level in the pan genome |
core_alignment_header.embl | Tab/EMBL formatted file of core genome alignment |
gene_presence_absence.csv | Lists each gene and which samples it is present in |
gene_presence_absence.Rtab | Tab delimited binary matrix with the presence and absence of each gene in each sample |
number_of_conserved_genes.Rtab | Graphs on how the pan genome varies as genomes are added (in random orders) |
number_of_genes_in_pan_genome.Rtab | Graphs on how the pan genome varies as genomes are added (in random orders) |
number_of_new_genes.Rtab | Graphs on how the pan genome varies as genomes are added (in random orders) |
number_of_unique_genes.Rtab | Graphs on how the pan genome varies as genomes are added (in random orders) |
pan_genome_reference.fa.gz | FASTA file which contains a single representative nucleotide sequence from each of the clusters in the pan genome (core and accessory) |
summary_statistics.txt | Number of genes in the core and accessory |
Audit Trail¶
Below are files that can assist you in understanding which parameters and program versions were used.
Each process that is executed will have a logs
folder containing helpful files for you to review
if the need ever arises.
Filename | Description |
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.begin | An empty file used to designate the process started |
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.err | Contains STDERR outputs from the process |
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.log | Contains both STDERR and STDOUT outputs from the process |
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.out | Contains STDOUT outputs from the process |
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.run | The script Nextflow uses to stage/unstage files and queue processes based on given profile |
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.sh | The script executed by bash for the process |
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.trace | The Nextflow Trace report for the process |
versions.yml | A YAML formatted file with program versions |
Nextflow Reports¶
These Nextflow reports provide great a great summary of your run. These can be used to optimize resource usage and estimate expected costs if using cloud platforms.
Filename | Description |
---|---| | The Nextflow DAG visualisation |
pangenome-report.html | The Nextflow Execution Report |
pangenome-timeline.html | The Nextflow Timeline Report |
pangenome-trace.txt | The Nextflow Trace report |
Program Versions¶
At the end of each run, each of the versions.yml
files are merged into the files below.
Filename | Description |
software_versions.yml | A complete list of programs and versions used by each process |
software_versions_mqc.yml | A complete list of programs and versions formatted for MultiQC |
Required Parameters¶
Define where the pipeline should find input data and save output data.
Parameter | Description | Default |
--bactopia |
The path to bactopia results to use as inputs |
Filtering Parameters¶
Use these parameters to specify which samples to include or exclude.
Parameter | Description | Default |
--include |
A text file containing sample names (one per line) to include from the analysis | |
--exclude |
A text file containing sample names (one per line) to exclude from the analysis |
ClonalFrameML Parameters¶
Parameter | Description | Default |
--emsim |
Number of simulations to estimate uncertainty in the EM results | 100 |
--clonal_opts |
Extra ClonalFrameML options in quotes | |
--skip_recombination |
Skip ClonalFrameML execution in subworkflows | False |
IQ-TREE Parameters¶
Parameter | Description | Default |
--iqtree_model |
Substitution model name | HKY |
--bb |
Ultrafast bootstrap replicates | 1000 |
--alrt |
SH-like approximate likelihood ratio test replicates | 1000 |
--asr |
Ancestral state reconstruction by empirical Bayes | False |
--iqtree_opts |
Extra IQ-TREE options in quotes. | |
--skip_phylogeny |
Skip IQ-TREE execution in subworkflows | False |
NCBI Genome Download Parameters¶
Parameter | Description | Default |
--species |
Name of the species to download assemblies | |
--accession |
An NCBI Assembly accession to be downloaded | |
--accessions |
An file of NCBI Assembly accessions (one per line) to be downloaded | |
--format |
Comma separated list of formats to download | fasta |
--section |
NCBI section to download | refseq |
--assembly_level |
Comma separated list of assembly levels to download | complete |
--kingdom |
Comma separated list of formats to download | bacteria |
--limit |
Limit the number of assemblies to download |
PIRATE Parameters¶
Parameter | Description | Default |
--steps |
Percent identity thresholds to use for pangenome construction | 50,60,70,80,90,95,98 |
--features |
Comma-delimited features to use for pangenome construction | CDS |
--para_off |
Switch off paralog identification | False |
--z |
Retain all PIRATE intermediate files | False |
--pan_opt |
Additional arguments to pass to pangenome contruction. |
Prokka Parameters¶
Parameter | Description | Default |
--proteins |
FASTA file of trusted proteins to first annotate from | |
--prodigal_tf |
Training file to use for Prodigal | |
--compliant |
Force Genbank/ENA/DDJB compliance | False |
--centre |
Sequencing centre ID | Bactopia |
--prokka_coverage |
Minimum coverage on query protein | 80 |
--prokka_evalue |
Similarity e-value cut-off | 1e-09 |
--prokka_opts |
Extra Prokka options in quotes. |
Panaroo Parameters¶
Parameter | Description | Default |
--use_panaroo |
Use Panaroo instead of PIRATE in the 'pangenome' subworkflow | False |
--panaroo_mode |
The stringency mode at which to run panaroo | strict |
--panaroo_alignment |
Output alignments of core genes or all genes | core |
--panaroo_aligner |
Aligner to use for core/pan genome alignment | mafft |
--panaroo_core_threshold |
Core-genome sample threshold | 0.95 |
--panaroo_threshold |
Sequence identity threshold | 0.98 |
--panaroo_family_threshold |
Protein family sequence identity threshold | 0.7 |
--len_dif_percent |
Length difference cutoff | 0.98 |
--merge_paralogs |
Do not split paralogs | False |
--panaroo_opts |
Additional options to pass to panaroo |
Roary Parameters¶
Parameter | Description | Default |
--use_prank |
Use PRANK instead of MAFFT for core gene | False |
--use_roary |
Use Roary instead of PIRATE in the 'pangenome' subworkflow | False |
--i |
Minimum percentage identity for blastp | 95 |
--cd |
Percentage of isolates a gene must be in to be core | 99 |
--g |
Maximum number of clusters | 50000 |
--s |
Do not split paralogs | False |
--ap |
Allow paralogs in core alignment | False |
--iv |
MCL inflation value | 1.5 |
Scoary Parameters¶
Parameter | Description | Default |
--traits |
Input trait table (CSV) to test for associations | |
--p_value_cutoff |
For statistical tests, genes with higher p-values will not be reported | 0.05 |
--correction |
Apply the indicated filtration measure. | I |
--permute |
Perform N number of permutations of the significant results post-analysis | 0 |
--start_col |
On which column in the gene presence/absence file do individual strain info start | 15 |
SNP-Dists Parameters¶
Parameter | Description | Default |
--a |
Count all differences not just [AGTC] | False |
--b |
Keep top left corner cell | False |
--csv |
Output CSV instead of TSV | False |
--k |
Keep case, don't uppercase all letters | False |
Optional Parameters¶
These optional parameters can be useful in certain settings.
Parameter | Description | Default |
--outdir |
Base directory to write results to | ./ |
--run_name |
Name of the directory to hold results | bactopia |
--skip_compression |
Ouput files will not be compressed | False |
--keep_all_files |
Keeps all analysis files created | False |
Max Job Request Parameters¶
Set the top limit for requested resources for any single job.
Parameter | Description | Default |
--max_retry |
Maximum times to retry a process before allowing it to fail. | 3 |
--max_cpus |
Maximum number of CPUs that can be requested for any single job. | 4 |
--max_memory |
Maximum amount of memory (in GB) that can be requested for any single job. | 32 |
--max_time |
Maximum amount of time (in minutes) that can be requested for any single job. | 120 |
--max_downloads |
Maximum number of samples to download at a time | 3 |
Nextflow Configuration Parameters¶
Parameters to fine-tune your Nextflow setup.
Parameter | Description | Default |
--nfconfig |
A Nextflow compatible config file for custom profiles, loaded last and will overwrite existing variables if set. | |
--publish_dir_mode |
Method used to save pipeline results to output directory. | copy |
--infodir |
Directory to keep pipeline Nextflow logs and reports. | ${params.outdir}/pipeline_info |
--force |
Nextflow will overwrite existing output files. | False |
--cleanup_workdir |
After Bactopia is successfully executed, the work directory will be deleted. |
False |
Nextflow Profile Parameters¶
Parameters to fine-tune your Nextflow setup.
Parameter | Description | Default |
--condadir |
Directory to Nextflow should use for Conda environments | |
--registry |
Docker registry to pull containers from. | dockerhub |
--singularity_cache |
Directory where remote Singularity images are stored. | |
--singularity_pull_docker_container |
Instead of directly downloading Singularity images for use with Singularity, force the workflow to pull and convert Docker containers instead. | |
--force_rebuild |
Force overwrite of existing pre-built environments. | False |
--queue |
Comma-separated name of the queue(s) to be used by a job scheduler (e.g. AWS Batch or SLURM) | general,high-memory |
--cluster_opts |
Additional options to pass to the executor. (e.g. SLURM: '--account=my_acct_name' | |
--disable_scratch |
All intermediate files created on worker nodes of will be transferred to the head node. | False |
Helpful Parameters¶
Uncommonly used parameters that might be useful.
Parameter | Description | Default |
--monochrome_logs |
Do not use coloured log outputs. | |
--nfdir |
Print directory Nextflow has pulled Bactopia to | |
--sleep_time |
The amount of time (seconds) Nextflow will wait after setting up datasets before execution. | 5 |
--validate_params |
Boolean whether to validate parameters against the schema at runtime | True |
--help |
Display help text. | |
--wf |
Specify which workflow or Bactopia Tool to execute | bactopia |
--list_wfs |
List the available workflows and Bactopia Tools to use with '--wf' | |
--show_hidden_params |
Show all params when using --help |
--help_all |
An alias for --help --show_hidden_params | |
--version |
Display version text. |
If you use Bactopia and pangenome
in your analysis, please cite the following.
Petit III RA, Read TD Bactopia - a flexible pipeline for complete analysis of bacterial genomes. mSystems 5 (2020) -
Didelot X, Wilson DJ ClonalFrameML: Efficient Inference of Recombination in Whole Bacterial Genomes. PLoS Comput Biol 11(2) e1004041 (2015) -
Nguyen L-T, Schmidt HA, von Haeseler A, Minh BQ IQ-TREE: A fast and effective stochastic algorithm for estimating maximum likelihood phylogenies. Mol. Biol. Evol. 32:268-274 (2015) -
Kalyaanamoorthy S, Minh BQ, Wong TKF, von Haeseler A, Jermiin LS ModelFinder - Fast model selection for accurate phylogenetic estimates. Nat. Methods 14:587-589 (2017) -
Hoang DT, Chernomor O, von Haeseler A, Minh BQ, Vinh LS UFBoot2: Improving the ultrafast bootstrap approximation. Mol. Biol. Evol. 35:518–522 (2018) -
Blin K ncbi-genome-download: Scripts to download genomes from the NCBI FTP servers (GitHub) -
Tonkin-Hill G, MacAlasdair N, Ruis C, Weimann A, Horesh G, Lees JA, Gladstone RA, Lo S, Beaudoin C, Floto RA, Frost SDW, Corander J, Bentley SD, Parkhill J Producing polished prokaryotic pangenomes with the Panaroo pipeline. Genome Biology 21(1), 180. (2020) -
Bayliss SC, Thorpe HA, Coyle NM, Sheppard SK, Feil EJ PIRATE: A fast and scalable pangenomics toolbox for clustering diverged orthologues in bacteria. Gigascience 8 (2019) -
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