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Bactopia Tool - merlin

MinmER assisted species-specific bactopia tool seLectIoN, or Merlin, uses distances based on the RefSeq sketch downloaded by bactopia datasets to automatically run species-specific tools.

Currently Merlin knows 16 spells for which cover the following:

Genus/Species Tools
Escherichia ECTyper
Haemophilus hicap, HpsuisSero
Klebsiella Kleborate
Legionella legsta
Listeria LisSero
Mycobacterium TBProfiler
Neisseria meningotype, ngmaster
Salmonella SeqSero2, SISTR
Staphylococcus AgrVATE, spaTyper, staphopia-sccmec
Streptococcus emmtyper, SsuisSero

Merlin is avialable as an independent Bactopia Tool, or in the Bactopia with the --ask_merlin parameter. Even better, if you want to force Merlin to execute all species-specific tools (no matter the distance), you can use --full_merlin. Then all the spells will be unleashed!

Example Usage

bactopia --wf merlin \
  --bactopia /path/to/your/bactopia/results \ 
  --include includes.txt  

Output Overview

Below is the default output structure for the merlin tool. Where possible the file descriptions below were modified from a tools description.

│   ├── agrvate
│   │   ├── <SAMPLE_NAME>
│   │   ├── <SAMPLE_NAME>-blastn_log.txt
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>
│   ├── ectyper
│   │   ├── <SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv
│   │   └── blast_output_alleles.txt
│   ├── emmtyper
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv
│   ├── hicap
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv
│   ├── hpsuissero
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>_serotyping_res.tsv
│   ├── kleborate
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.results.txt
│   ├── legsta
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv
│   ├── lissero
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv
│   ├── logs
│   │   └── <BACTOPIA_TOOL>
│   │       ├── nf-<BACTOPIA_TOOL>.{begin,err,log,out,run,sh,trace}
│   │       └── versions.yml
│   ├── mashdist
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>-dist.txt
│   ├── meningotype
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv
│   ├── ngmaster
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv
│   ├── seqsero2
│   │   ├── <SAMPLE_NAME>_log.txt
│   │   ├── <SAMPLE_NAME>_result.tsv
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>_result.txt
│   ├── sistr
│   │   ├── <SAMPLE_NAME>-allele.fasta.gz
│   │   ├── <SAMPLE_NAME>-allele.json.gz
│   │   ├── <SAMPLE_NAME>-cgmlst.csv
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv
│   ├── spatyper
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv
│   ├── ssuissero
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>_serotyping_res.tsv
│   ├── staphopiasccmec
│   │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv
│   └── tbprofiler
│       ├── <SAMPLE_NAME>.results.csv
│       ├── <SAMPLE_NAME>.results.json
│       ├── <SAMPLE_NAME>.results.txt
│       ├── bam
│       │   └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.bam
│       └── vcf
│           └── <SAMPLE_NAME>.targets.csq.vcf.gz
├── logs
│   ├── csvtk_concat
│   │   └── <BACTOPIA_TOOL>
│   │       ├── nf-csvtk_concat.{begin,err,log,out,run,sh,trace}
│   │       └── versions.yml
│   └── custom_dumpsoftwareversions
│       ├── nf-custom_dumpsoftwareversions.{begin,err,log,out,run,sh,trace}
│       └── versions.yml
├── nf-reports
│   ├──
│   ├── merlin-report.html
│   ├── merlin-timeline.html
│   └── merlin-trace.txt
├── agrvate.tsv
├── ectyper.tsv
├── emmtyper.tsv
├── hicap.tsv
├── hpsuissero.tsv
├── kleborate.tsv
├── legsta.tsv
├── lissero.tsv
├── meningotype.tsv
├── ngmaster.tsv
├── seqsero2.tsv
├── sistr.tsv
├── software_versions.yml
├── software_versions_mqc.yml
├── spatyper.tsv
├── ssuissero.tsv
└── staphopiasccmec.tsv

Directory structure might be different

merlin is available as a standalone Bactopia Tool, as well as from the main Bactopia workflow (e.g. through Staphopia or Merlin). If executed from Bactopia, the merlin directory structure might be different, but the output descriptions below still apply.


Top Level

Below are results that are in the base directory.

Filename Description
agrvate.tsv A merged TSV file with AgrVATE results from all samples
ectyper.tsv A merged TSV file with ECTyper results from all samples
emmtyper.tsv A merged TSV file with emmtyper results from all samples
hicap.tsv A merged TSV file with hicap results from all samples
hpsuissero.tsv A merged TSV file with HpsuisSero results from all samples
kleborate.tsv A merged TSV file with Kleborate results from all samples
legsta.tsv A merged TSV file with legsta results from all samples
lissero.tsv A merged TSV file with LisSero results from all samples
meningotype.tsv A merged TSV file with meningotype results from all samples
ngmaster.tsv A merged TSV file with ngmaster results from all samples
seqsero2.tsv A merged TSV file with seqsero2 results from all samples
sistr.tsv A merged TSV file with SISTR results from all samples
spatyper.tsv A merged TSV file with spaTyper results from all samples
ssuissero.tsv A merged TSV file with SsuisSero results from all samples
staphopiasccmec.tsv A merged TSV file with staphopia-sccmec results from all samples


Below is a description of the per-sample results from AgrVATE.

Extension Description Detailed report for agr kmer matches
-blastn_log.txt Log files from programs called by AgrVATE A final summary report for agr typing


Below is a description of the per-sample results from ECTyper.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv A tab-delimited file with ECTyper result, see ECTyper - Report format for details
blast_output_alleles.txt Allele report generated from BLAST results


Below is a description of the per-sample results from emmtyper.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv A tab-delimited file with emmtyper result, see emmtyper - Result format for details


Below is a description of the per-sample results from hicap.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>.gbk GenBank file and cap locus annotations
<SAMPLE_NAME>.svg Visualization of annotated cap locus
<SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv A tab-delimited file with hicap results


Below is a description of the per-sample results from HpsuisSero.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>_serotyping_res.tsv A tab-delimited file with HpsuisSero result


Below is a description of the per-sample results from Kleborate.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>.results.tsv A tab-delimited file with Kleborate result, see Kleborate - Example output for more details


Below is a description of the per-sample results from legsta.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv A tab-delimited file with legsta result, see legsta - Output for more details


Below is a description of the per-sample results from LisSero.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv A tab-delimited file with LisSero results


Below is a description of the per-sample results from Mash.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>-dist.txt A tab-delimited file with mash dist results


Below is a description of the per-sample results from meningotype .

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv A tab-delimited file with meningotype result


Below is a description of the per-sample results from ngmaster.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv A tab-delimited file with ngmaster results


Below is a description of the per-sample results from SeqSero2.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv A tab-delimited file with SeqSero2 results
<SAMPLE_NAME>.txt A text file with key-value pairs of SeqSero2 results


Below is a description of the per-sample results from SISTR.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>-allele.fasta.gz A FASTA file of the cgMLST allele search results
<SAMPLE_NAME>-allele.json.gz JSON formated cgMLST allele search results, see SISTR - cgMLST search results for more details
<SAMPLE_NAME>-cgmlst.csv A comma-delimited summary of the cgMLST allele search results
<SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv A tab-delimited file with SISTR results, see SISTR - Primary results for more details


Below is a description of the per-sample results from spaTyper.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv A tab-delimited file with spaTyper results


Below is a description of the per-sample results from SsuisSero.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>_serotyping_res.tsv A tab-delimited file with SsuisSero results


Below is a description of the per-sample results from staphopia-sccmec.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>.tsv A tab-delimited file with staphopia-sccmec results


Below is a description of the per-sample results from TBProfiler.

Filename Description
<SAMPLE_NAME>.results.csv A CSV formated TBProfiler result file of resistance and strain type
<SAMPLE_NAME>.results.json A JSON formated TBProfiler result file of resistance and strain type
<SAMPLE_NAME>.results.txt A text file with TBProfiler results
<SAMPLE_NAME>.bam BAM file with alignment details
<SAMPLE_NAME>.targets.csq.vcf.gz VCF with variant info again refernce genomes

Audit Trail

Below are files that can assist you in understanding which parameters and program versions were used.


Each process that is executed will have a logs folder containing helpful files for you to review if the need ever arises.

Filename Description
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.begin An empty file used to designate the process started
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.err Contains STDERR outputs from the process
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.log Contains both STDERR and STDOUT outputs from the process
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.out Contains STDOUT outputs from the process
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.run The script Nextflow uses to stage/unstage files and queue processes based on given profile
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.sh The script executed by bash for the process
nf-<PROCESS_NAME>.trace The Nextflow Trace report for the process
versions.yml A YAML formatted file with program versions

Nextflow Reports

These Nextflow reports provide great a great summary of your run. These can be used to optimize resource usage and estimate expected costs if using cloud platforms.

Filename Description The Nextflow DAG visualisation
merlin-report.html The Nextflow Execution Report
merlin-timeline.html The Nextflow Timeline Report
merlin-trace.txt The Nextflow Trace report

Program Versions

At the end of each run, each of the versions.yml files are merged into the files below.

Filename Description
software_versions.yml A complete list of programs and versions used by each process
software_versions_mqc.yml A complete list of programs and versions formatted for MultiQC


Required Parameters

Define where the pipeline should find input data and save output data.

Parameter Description Default
--bactopia The path to bactopia results to use as inputs

Filtering Parameters

Use these parameters to specify which samples to include or exclude.

Parameter Description Default
--include A text file containing sample names (one per line) to include from the analysis
--exclude A text file containing sample names (one per line) to exclude from the analysis

mashdist Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--mash_sketch The reference sequence as a Mash Sketch (.msh file)
--mash_seed Seed to provide to the hash function 42
--mash_table Table output (fields will be blank if they do not meet the p-value threshold) False
--mash_m Minimum copies of each k-mer required to pass noise filter for reads 1
--mash_w Probability threshold for warning about low k-mer size. 0.01
--max_p Maximum p-value to report. 1.0
--max_dist Maximum distance to report. 1.0
--merlin_dist Maximum distance to report when using Merlin . 0.1
--full_merlin Go full Merlin and run all species-specific tools, no matter the Mash distance False
--use_fastqs Query with FASTQs instead of the assemblies False

AgrVATE Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--typing_only agr typing only. Skips agr operon extraction and frameshift detection False

ECTyper Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--opid Percent identity required for an O antigen allele match 90
--opcov Minumum percent coverage required for an O antigen allele match 90
--hpid Percent identity required for an H antigen allele match 95
--hpcov Minumum percent coverage required for an H antigen allele match 50
--verify Enable E. coli species verification False
--print_alleles Prints the allele sequences if enabled as the final column False

emmtyper Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--emmtyper_wf Workflow for emmtyper to use. blast
--cluster_distance Distance between cluster of matches to consider as different clusters 500
--percid Minimal percent identity of sequence 95
--culling_limit Total hits to return in a position 5
--mismatch Threshold for number of mismatch to allow in BLAST hit 5
--align_diff Threshold for difference between alignment length and subject length in BLAST 5
--gap Threshold gap to allow in BLAST hit 2
--min_perfect Minimum size of perfect match at 3 primer end 15
--min_good Minimum size where there must be 2 matches for each mismatch 15
--max_size Maximum size of PCR product 2000

hicap Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--database_dir Directory containing locus database
--model_fp Path to prodigal model
--full_sequence Write the full input sequence out to the genbank file rather than just the region surrounding and including the locus False
--hicap_debug hicap will print debug messages False
--gene_coverage Minimum percentage coverage to consider a single gene complete 0.8
--gene_identity Minimum percentage identity to consider a single gene complete 0.7
--broken_gene_length Minimum length to consider a broken gene 60
--broken_gene_identity Minimum percentage identity to consider a broken gene 0.8

HpsuisSero Parameters

Parameter Description Default

Kleborate Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--skip_resistance Turn off resistance genes screening False
--skip_kaptive Turn off Kaptive screening of K and O loci False
--min_identity Minimum alignment percent identity for main results 90.0
--kleborate_min_coverage Minimum alignment percent coverage for main results 80.0
--min_spurious_identity Minimum alignment percent identity for spurious results 80.0
--min_spurious_coverage Minimum alignment percent coverage for spurious results 40.0
--min_kaptive_confidence Minimum Kaptive confidence to call K/O loci - confidence levels below this will be reported as unknown Good
--force_index Rebuild the BLAST index at the start of execution False

legsta Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--noheader Don't print header row False

LisSero Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--min_id Minimum percent identity to accept a match 95.0
--min_cov Minimum coverage of the gene to accept a match 95.0

meningotype Parameters

You can use these parameters to fine-tune your meningotype analysis

Parameter Description Default
--finetype perform porA and fetA fine typing False
--porB perform porB sequence typing (NEIS2020) False
--bast perform Bexsero antigen sequence typing (BAST) False
--mlst perform MLST False
--all perform MLST, porA, fetA, porB, BAST typing False

ngmaster Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--csv output comma-separated format (CSV) rather than tab-separated False

SeqSero2 Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--run_mode Workflow to run. 'a' allele mode, or 'k' k-mer mode k
--input_type Input format to analyze. 'assembly' or 'fastq' assembly
--bwa_mode Algorithms for bwa mapping for allele mode mem

SISTR Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--full_cgmlst Use the full set of cgMLST alleles which can include highly similar alleles False

spaTyper Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--repeats List of spa repeats
--repeat_order List spa types and order of repeats
--do_enrich Do PCR product enrichment False

staphopia-sccmec Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--hamming Report the results as hamming distances False

SsuisSero Parameters

Parameter Description Default

TBProfiler Parameters

Parameter Description Default
--call_whole_genome Call whole genome False
--mapper Mapping tool to use. If you are using nanopore data it will default to minimap2 bwa
--caller Variant calling tool to use freebayes
--calling_params Extra variant caller options in quotes
--tb_min_depth Minimum depth required to call variant 10
--tb_af Minimum allele frequency to call variants 0.1
--tb_reporting_af Minimum allele frequency to use variants for prediction 0.1
--coverage_fraction_threshold Cutoff used to calculate fraction of region covered by <= this value 0
--suspect Use the suspect suite of tools to add ML predictions False
--no_flagstat Don't collect flagstats False
--no_delly Don't run delly False

Optional Parameters

These optional parameters can be useful in certain settings.

Parameter Description Default
--outdir Base directory to write results to ./
--run_name Name of the directory to hold results bactopia
--skip_compression Ouput files will not be compressed False
--keep_all_files Keeps all analysis files created False

Max Job Request Parameters

Set the top limit for requested resources for any single job.

Parameter Description Default
--max_retry Maximum times to retry a process before allowing it to fail. 3
--max_cpus Maximum number of CPUs that can be requested for any single job. 4
--max_memory Maximum amount of memory (in GB) that can be requested for any single job. 32
--max_time Maximum amount of time (in minutes) that can be requested for any single job. 120
--max_downloads Maximum number of samples to download at a time 3

Nextflow Configuration Parameters

Parameters to fine-tune your Nextflow setup.

Parameter Description Default
--nfconfig A Nextflow compatible config file for custom profiles, loaded last and will overwrite existing variables if set.
--publish_dir_mode Method used to save pipeline results to output directory. copy
--infodir Directory to keep pipeline Nextflow logs and reports. ${params.outdir}/pipeline_info
--force Nextflow will overwrite existing output files. False
--cleanup_workdir After Bactopia is successfully executed, the work directory will be deleted. False

Nextflow Profile Parameters

Parameters to fine-tune your Nextflow setup.

Parameter Description Default
--condadir Directory to Nextflow should use for Conda environments
--registry Docker registry to pull containers from. dockerhub
--singularity_cache Directory where remote Singularity images are stored.
--singularity_pull_docker_container Instead of directly downloading Singularity images for use with Singularity, force the workflow to pull and convert Docker containers instead.
--force_rebuild Force overwrite of existing pre-built environments. False
--queue Comma-separated name of the queue(s) to be used by a job scheduler (e.g. AWS Batch or SLURM) general,high-memory
--cluster_opts Additional options to pass to the executor. (e.g. SLURM: '--account=my_acct_name'
--disable_scratch All intermediate files created on worker nodes of will be transferred to the head node. False

Helpful Parameters

Uncommonly used parameters that might be useful.

Parameter Description Default
--monochrome_logs Do not use coloured log outputs.
--nfdir Print directory Nextflow has pulled Bactopia to
--sleep_time The amount of time (seconds) Nextflow will wait after setting up datasets before execution. 5
--validate_params Boolean whether to validate parameters against the schema at runtime True
--help Display help text.
--wf Specify which workflow or Bactopia Tool to execute bactopia
--list_wfs List the available workflows and Bactopia Tools to use with '--wf'
--show_hidden_params Show all params when using --help
--help_all An alias for --help --show_hidden_params
--version Display version text.


If you use Bactopia and merlin in your analysis, please cite the following.